
Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Is your training ON FLEEK this summer?

Mine has to be, and here's why:

A few weeks ago I decided that I would register for one of the epic ultra marathons on my fitness bucket list, the Javelina Jundred 100K. I know. CRAY.

I sat on the comfy bed at the Mountainview Best Western in the North Georgia Mountains, my finger hovering over the register button on Ultrasignup for about half a minute. I asked myself if I really wanted to take the leap from the 35 mountainous miles I had done at the Georgia Jewel the previous year to the arid 100K (62 miles) at the end of October in Arizona.
Georgia Jewel 35, Snake Creek Gap Aid Station

Would I be ready? Could I be ready? Would my body be able to carry me over 62 miles in the desert, running, walking, crawling?

Should I do it? Should I do it?
GO FOR IT! said my friend and ultra-partner in crime, Kelly.

I did this the evening before attempting The Double Tap 50K that deep down I knew I would not complete. That race was especially difficult because of my bum knee and the mountains and the bears. What the heck was I doing registering for a 100K then? Who knows? The mysterious and totally unexplainable habits of ultrarunners...

The big question then is what am I doing to prepare for this momentous and possibly disastrous occasion that could potentially destroy my delicate ego?
  • I am ODing on Beachbody videos: T25, PiYo, and Les Mills Combat are my favorites. Maybe I'll throw in a little P90X. (I also really dig the Biggest Loser and Crunch and Taebo and The Firm videos too.) DO ALL THE EXERCISE.
  • I am trying to lose enough weight to make a significant difference in my finishing time
  • I am loosely following Bryon Powell's Relentless Forward Progress 40-70 Mile Race Training Plan
  • I am working on tweaking my nutrition to optimize all energy systems (both aerobic and anaerobic, but especially aerobic) know, that pesky adenosine triphosphate stuff...
  • I am swimming
  • I am hiking 
  • I am doing yoga
  • I'm finding awesome and interesting ways to be active, ALL THE TIME (A note- it's not always easy to step out of your comfort zone, but DO IT! Life is short, death is forever.)
  •  I am SLEEPING
At my school's climbing tower doing something different
As I was writing this blogpost I just got word that I got off of the Finger Lakes 50s waitlist and I'll be participating in the 50K! And now I'm SUPER nervous because that's a lot of running, in such a short time. It's a lot of running and training period.

Take a look at the schedule below. All of this means that my training needs to be absolutely ON POINT this summer, because if not, it will be a veritable self-induced sufferfest.

Here are my current plans for the summer and early fall:

June 13: Tortoise and Hare Midsummer Night's Dream Ultra 12 Hour
June 27: Catamount 50K
July 4: Finger Lakes 50K
August 15: Wildcat Ridge Romp 50K
September: A 40-50 mile race, possibly the Georgia Jewel 50--this race is GNARLY in all senses of the word and I'm scared.
October: Javelina Jundred 100K I'm scared of this one too.

As scary and overwhelming as all of this is, I am REALLY excited to test the limits of what my body and mind can do together in athletic pursuit. Maybe I won't be able to do it all. Maybe I will. I do know that I will know and respect my body more deeply while expressing my love for the outdoors through moving that body intentionally through nature.


What is your training looking like this summer? What crazy events do you have planned to increase your fitness, indulge your desire to be outdoors, or just be badass? Join the conversation in the comments!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You've totally got this! Javelina is on my bucket list. I'm focusing on triathlons right now, but once I knock out an Ironman, I plan to switch to ultras!

    1. That sounds awesome! Which tri events are you focusing on? And which Ironman (half or full?) will you be training for? You could always train for Ultraman :) Way to go and have a great summer!

  3. You will love love love Javelina! Mirna, we both ran NJ Ultra Fest a few years ago. I believe it was your first 50k? I was there for the 100. Ran Javelina last year. Wonderful event. May be back this year.

    1. YES! It was my first in 2013. Any other Jersey races this summer? Will you be doing Wildcat in Rockaway in August?

    2. I totally remember! You and your hubby supplied the amazing beer and chatted with me a my mom for a good while!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Close. Those are my good friends, Chris and Joe.

  4. Wow, exciting news! Your training/race schedule leading up to JJ sounds good. What's the terrain there like? It would be cool if you could find a 40-50 miler with similar elevation changes. My longest race thus far is a 50 miler, and the best advice I got was to get to the starting line uninjured, rested, and eager to run.
    As for my plans, I have a few 50k races on tap, but my next race is Double Dipsea! Racecation to California!

    1. A Racecation sounds GREAT! I'll have to put the Double Dipsea on my bucket list. Sounds gnarly and a little masochistic--my kinda race! My overall goal with the JJ is to get to the start uninjured, which is why I'm incorporating so much cross training. Thanks for your input and have a great summer!

  5. if you set your mind to it and train you will be successful! So impressed with all you've done already.

    1. Thanks so much Denise! What are your goals this summer?

  6. Mirna, I'm in upstate NY. I've run FL 50's a few times..50k and 50 mile. One of my favorite courses. The only other thing I am signed up for right now is Vermont 100 and JFK 50. I usually run Canadaigua 50 mile too. No NJ races this year I don't think. Anyway, sounds like you have some solid runs planned that will help with your Javelina goal :-)

  7. Close, Mirna. Those are my good friends Chris and Joe.

  8. You are AMAZING! Needed this post today. I'm over here stressing about attempting my first 25k this August. I'm behind on training bc of my fears of failure. I'm hoping to get my rear in gear, and keep motivated for my ultimate goal of becoming a marathoner. Thanks for inspiration.

    1. Thanks LaToya! Which 25K are you training for and how are you preparing for it? Put it out there and get some support! Much luck to you!

  9. Thanks Kallie! I'm so happy that you committed yourself to an event and feel motivated to do it. Which half is is? And thanks for the kudos!

  10. I just found your blog and it has totally inspired me! I am a runner coming back from shattering an ankle in a roller derby bout in January. Coming back to running has been tough on my body and I was contemplating giving up-but after reading your posts I feel inspired. I am running the Falmouth (MA) Road Race with a charity team in August and the Reach the Beach/Ragnar relay race in NH with a charity team in September, but an ultra is totally on my bucket list! I never thought I could do something like that because I don't have a "typical" runner's body, but now I sort of want to go for it!!!

  11. I'm currently training for the NYC marathon. I tried a marathon in 2013 and didn't finish. I randomly entered the lottery and got in. Was NOT expecting that....serious talk with my husband since the race falls the day after our anniversary, haha!
    I just read your story in Runner's World and I can completely relate. I'm an overweight runner and I know how judgemental people can be, sometimes even other runners. I get a lot if pitying looks and looks of disapproval when I take my walking breaks. I'm learning daily to ignore those jackasses and run my run.
    Thanks for being an inspiration!

  12. I'm training for my first 5k here in Philadelphia in October. I started running using the 5k Runner app which I REALLY liked because I could see improvement from week to week. Now I'm running a consecutive 30 minutes with no walk breaks and I am amazed by the ways my body has adapted to all this physical activity. I'm also doing the 21 Day Fix videos and working with my trainer each week. Trying to increase my strength training so that my muscles and my core can support the increased running I'm doing! I also started seeing a nutritionist because I felt that I wasn't on point in that department - skipping too many meals due to a busy schedule! So working on more consistent eating throughout the day.

    1. How do you like 21 day fix? My Beachbody favorites are T25, PiYo and Les Mills! They all totally help with running economy, flexibility, and general overall strength. GET IT! But a question: how do you fit your workouts in as a nurse? I'm always curious when people have jobs that require very long hours like mine. Do you get up super early? Do you find some time during a break?

  13. I know that this post is from earlier in the summer, but I'm actually looking at potentially running my first 50K in January. I'm running my first half in October, my second half in December, and love hte idea of running an ultra. Any tips or pointers?

  14. Reading through your blog (I just found you...where have you been all my blog reading/writing years? ha ha ha) and I LOVE the line "It's not always easy to step out of your comfort zone, but DO IT! Life is short, death is forever" I am in the process of 'rebuilding' my life and I needed to hear that line today!

  15. I just found your blog through the strange connections facebook makes for us. I LOVE the video that was posted on NBC news about you ( Best quote: "What else can my body do?" I hear you! So great!

    Anyhow, just wanted to wish you the VERY best of luck in the Javelina Jundred. Go go go!!!

  16. What a great read...funny, with heart. But WOW, the training alone seems CRAY!
