
Friday, September 18, 2015



This evening, NBC Nightly News aired a segment featuring my running life, my son, my students, and my running besties. This is so exciting and unbelievable.

Here's the story that they posted the night before it aired. There have been over one million views of the video. OH MY GOD!!!!

I'll post the actual broadcast piece as soon as I can!

Basically since early February, my life has been turned upside down in a GREAT WAY.

First it started out with a piece in the Wall Street Journal titled "Weight Loss or Not, Exercise Yields Benefits" by Rachel Bachman. 

Then, John Brant of Runner's World picked up the story and did a TWELVE-PAGE  FEATURE on my running life. Now, it's even available in a legit, non-plagiarized Spanish version! I even made the news in HONG KONG

After RW things picked up very quickly!

How cool is it to be THAT GIRL on the trail in the middle of the woods Upstate, NY?
How cool is it to be the object of "OMG NO WAY I THOUGHT THAT WAS YOU HOLY CRAP!"?

It's pretty cool guys!

But it doesn't end there.

I have also been invited to participate in some running podcasts, radio shows. There are some more in the works, but here are the ones that have been posted:

Connect Run Club--This was the first podcast I recorded. These guys are funny, probing, and honest. I loved chatting and laughing with them!

And then I got to chat with Sarah Bowen Shea and Dimity McDowell, authors of the popular running books Run Like a Mother, Train Like a Mother, and Tales from Another Mother Runner and hosts of the Another Mother Runner Podcast Series. We talked about plus sized runners actually existing and being. Granted, I think I talked too much, but it was super fun! 

Here is that podcast!

In August, HuffPo Live came calling and I had an incredible opportunity to chat with Alyona Minkowski, Jessie Sebor, EIC of Women's Running Magazine, and Erica Jean Schenk, Model Featured on the cover of WRM, and fitness expert Joe Holder:

There a few more podcasts in the works and some REALLY cool projects I'm working on so stay tuned!

Wow! I'm so tickled and honored to have so many running friends and supporters. I am super stoked to have had the opportunity to participate in the running community and be noticed for it. That is a huge honor and I hope to be able to continue SPREADING THE RUNNING AND BODY LOVE! There is enough for everyone.

Happy fit life!


  1. What a true inspiration. I loved the article. Keep it up girlie😊

  2. Just saw your story in NBC and I must say - YOU ROCK!!!! Thank you for breaking stereotypes!!!

  3. I just saw you on TV and immediately signed up to follow you. Yay! You're a true inspiration!

  4. I just saw your interview, you are amazing and inspiring human being!!

  5. Yeah! Just saw you on he news. Inspirational. Way to,go. God bless!!

  6. Just watched the piece on nbc nightly news about you! Just wanted to tell you what an inspiration you are!!

  7. I just saw you on tv, and you are SUCH an inspiration. Thank you SO much for sharing your story. I'm going to keep following your blog. Thanks again!

  8. YOU are really some thing Special, and the running is just a part of it. Best of luck to you and yours. Bradford Penny

  9. Saw u on the news this evening. Keep on running. You are an inspiration!

  10. I saw you! What an inspiration! I'm a big girl too. I used to run and loved it, but I got sick (brochitis) and had to stop. After watching you, I will start going again and not be ashamed of how I look. Thank you!

  11. You were great on tv tonight. You're very inspiring! Keep up the great work, and never stop.

  12. great article tonight on NBC and thanks for encouraging others, loving yourself and being true to self! Keep going for you are wonderful and beautiful!!!!! Fan in Cincinnati , Ohio

  13. Hootie hoo, Role Model! Come on over to Birmingham and run some trails at Red Mountain Park with folks of all sizes!

  14. Mirna, you are my hero!!! I actually whooped when I saw you on the NBC news tonight! It is so great to see someone like me who also loves to run. Although I do not run as far or as long as you, you inspire me to keep going and get out in nature to enjoy it without thinking about who may be looking at me.
    Thanks so much for your spirit and enthusiasm.
    Keep upon running, girl!

  15. You go, Girl! I'm rooting for you! Keep going!
    I've biked or walked 3-6 miles a day for years. I'm over weight by about 50 lbs. I'm 61 yrs old. I've never been thin, but that doesn't keep me off the roads. I'm more in shape than most thin women my age.

  16. What an inspiration you are. My husband lives to be in the woods and also runs SLOWLY ultras off road races. He just plugs on and on and on at 63. I cannot partake because of severe scholiosis and degenerative disc disease, but I can support him and cheer him on...and I can go for hikes in the woods which I love to do. I will be following you and wishing you lots more happy running experiences. Size - age - speed all mean nothing in the whole scheme of things. It is you and what you are choosing to do for yourself. Communing with nature...what could possibly be more wonderful. You have now spurred me on to starting to post to my blog again after a long absence. Hope you will check it Loved the NBC piece. Every second of it was special. You go girl. You are BEAUTIFUL just the way you are. Hugs....genie

  17. Saw you on the national news tonight...I commend you and I commend Lester Holt for showing that we have extraordinarily talented and motivated African American...keep going girl!

  18. That was an AMAZING story! You are very inspirational! I'm getting my life back after beating cancer 3 times. I just got my real estate licenses and am also exercising trying to lose weight and regain all that I had lost including stamina. I will be looking in on your blog for continued motivation. Great job!!

  19. I loved this. I started cycling 15 months ago at the age of 56 and have lost 60 lbs. I have had trouble finding cycling clothes for plus size women. And been stereotyped but I love the feeling of riding a good trail and hearing all the nature around me. I'm up to 20 miles. Keep it up you are inspiring

  20. Just saw your story. You are positive and beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story with us!

  21. Saw the news segment. You are a goddess! Thank you for showing that fat girls can run and are talented and beautiful as well. Liza from Albany, NY

  22. Just seen you on TV...YOU are AWESOME. You have motivated me to continue my journey...WOW!!!

    Thank you for the motivation!!!

  23. Awesome you! Health amd wellness is key. I saw you and am more motivated. I love to jog and have an overall lifetome love for health amd wellness along with movement..qhen I was born I looked at the Dr and said...forget the booties...where are my exercise shoes and clothes!!! LOL!

    Hope to join you.

    Facebook me...
    Ddimples Potteer

  24. Hi, I saw this and had to look you up. You are truly an inspiration. Running is something I did in school and loved it. Oh how I wish I could run again. I can't at this moment due to back surgery but, one day! I too am pleasantly plump, I'd add my husband calls it, thick and juicy and although I love myself I'm unhappy being the bigger me. This is due to my back injury. You inspire me to get it there and just run and be healthy. I want to thank you for this.

  25. Just saw your story and it was inspirationalo and TIMELY! I'm a curvy girl who just started my own running journey a couple of weeks ago in an effort to work on becoming more fit. I've worked myself up from running 30 seconds non-stop to 12 minutes and am totally excited about that! There have definitely been times when I'm running alongside the Chattahoochee River and avid runners that I feel discouragement creeping in and have to fight like heck to push myself past my limits and not compare myself to others but your story really just gave me perspective and the additional push I needed to do this running thing MY WAY. I read several of your other posts as well. 50Ks? Whew! Setting my bar higher to be aother curvy girl at the finish line with you!Thanks again for sharing.........~Shayna B., Marietta, GA

  26. I saw you on the news and just wanted to say HECK YES! You go girl! you seem like a wonderful person and I loved the segment the news did on you!!! way to go, sweetie and keep it up!!!!!

  27. Watching now & a new follower to your blog! You're awesome! And I feel so inspired. Congrats on the feature and thanks for doing & sharing what you love! Trish - tales from trish

  28. Brava!!!! Keep inspiring, you're wonderful!!!

  29. Brava!!!! Keep inspiring, you're wonderful!!!

  30. Just saw you on NBC...awesome motivation!

  31. You are so inspiring!! I posted about this to my Facebook page earlier and had the best reach of any other content posted this week. I'm a runner too and I'm twice as motivated. I don't fit the "standard" either but I feel the same, you just gotta do it. I applaud your efforts. Continued blessings! This is the link to my post BTW, are you on Instagram or Twitter at all? Keep up the effort.

  32. Just saw you on tv. You are remarkable and an inspiration! Congratulations and many blessings to you and your family.

  33. I'm so impressed! And totally inspired!!

  34. Just saw you on tv. You are remarkable and an inspiration! Congratulations and many blessings to you and your family.

  35. I saw your story tonight on tv and found this site from there. I now have a new blog to follow. :)

    Keep running girl!!!! You inspired me. If you can do it, anyone can.

  36. It was great to see you on the news tonight. Us big girls can run, do crossfit and anything else we set our minds to do. Keep it up!

  37. Saw you on nightly news! What an inspiring young woman you are. Makes me wanta get in gear and get moving!

  38. Saw you on nightly news. You inspire me to get in gear and start moving!

  39. You deserve it all! :-D You're awesome-sauce!

  40. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! Keep on running and sharing your story. You are a great inspiration for many. :)

  41. You were great, Mirna! I posted a link to your website on my Facebook page and said you're my new idol. Can you bottle the 'I'm at complete ease with who I am' and sell me some? I think it's great! Best of luck to you in all of your adventures, runs and endeavors.


    Chris in Florida

  42. Thank you for being a tireless inspiration to us all, Mirna!

  43. I just watched it..... Really needed to hear what you said about "you being you". You are a light!! Keeping shining bright!!

  44. Yes you were on TV and I'm so glad I saw you! You are AWESOME-your pride, your talents, your example setting for your students, your inspiration! We may not all have far as a personal esteem issue but we all have other issues we should learn to make peace with. You are a wonderful example of how to do that.

  45. Just saw you on the NBC news website and tv - CONGRATS - you are motivating me, I appreciate that.

  46. I had to look you up when I saw you on the Nightly News!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you're doing you thing and inspiring others!!!

  47. Saw your story on the nightly news tonight! Had to look up your blog as you are an inspiration!
    San Diego Ca

  48. I saw your story on the NBC news tonight and I am inspired! As a fellow fat girl, running has always intimidated me. I am ready to try! What sneakers do you recommend as a newbie?

  49. You are amazing and inspiring!!! Thank you for the example you are setting for all ages and body types!

  50. You are amazing and inspiring!!! Thank you for the example you are setting for all ages and body types!

  51. Mirna! I just watched your story on the NBC Nightly News (I'm in Seattle) and I can't wait to dive into your blog and all the pieces you've been starring in. Title Nine shared the link to the news story and included a quote from you about learning to love your body. I'm excited to get into some serious reading to discover the answer to that, plus finding some incredible motivation from your own determination. I'm not the worst, but I sure could love myself a little more. And I would really love to get myself up and out the door and moving it and shaking it. Congrats on the story and thanks for sharing yourself and your great story.

  52. Just saw you on TV and I have to say wow! Thank you for sharing and keep on running.

  53. I saw you and loved it! You are an inspiration!!

  54. BRAVA! I saw the segment and you were freaking AWESOME! I'm sure your story changed some lives.

    Running for hours int he summer in are one strong woman:) You, your spirit, and your voice are just BEAUTIFUL. Again, BRAVA!

  55. God Bless you. I love your journey and I will be sharing.

  56. Hello,
    I'm in California and I just watched your segment. It was awesome. I have gone through a lot in my life in the past few months. I stopped all exercising because of me wanting everything in my life first. You just said stop waiting for things to be right and just do it! It was hearing you say that on TV at that moment and it's triggered something in me. I'm ready! You are awesome.
    Thanks Diva

  57. I saw the bit about you on the news and came to your blog. You are really and genuinely inspiring. I wished you lived in Southrrn California and could be my friend and running partner. I hope that didn't sound creepy. I didn't mean it creepy. I just think you're amazing.

  58. Hi Mirna,

    From one runner to another, I just wanted to say congratulations on the NBC segment and congratulations on all your running success! You are such a big inspiration. My motivation has definitely been lacking due to summer heat, but you have inspired me to get back out there and run. Thank You!

  59. You ROCK! THANK YOU FOR LIVING AUTHENTICALLY! I'm struggling with my health currently and watching your interview inspired me to just do what I can and not worry about winning the race.

  60. You inspired me with this segment. I feel that my body just doesn't help and I get discouraged very easily. I will continue to try. God Bless

  61. What an amazing lady! A true inspiration. Wonderful story - I wish you much continued success!!

  62. Wow! You have inspired me! I was so impressed with your story...I texted my daughter and told her to get on line to see your segment and to look up your blog.
    Thanks for your courage and fantastic attitude! I am proud of you!!
    You ROCK! Diane Morris Granstrom, Oakhurst, NJ

  63. Great job! Several of my non-runner friends shared your video, which is how I knew it had aired. :D

  64. Just saw you on tv---congrats!!! You RUN girl lol!!! SO happy for you. I used to run, but my max was 3 miles 3 x week. I never lost an ounce despite careful calories and fat content diet paranoia! Then I got really ill, like severe chronic fatigue, now called SEID in the USA. So I am cheering you onward. Live every moment thoroughly!!!!! With much aloha from Hawai'i ♥ KEEP GOING!!!!

  65. I literally cried watching this video. You've given me inspiration when I sorely needed it. I've been struggling getting back to what I love--running outside--because of having gained weight and hitting some stumbling blocks with strength training. I'm gonna get my butt back out there! Thank you!

  66. I saw your story on NBS Nightly News and I have a question - I am also a slow running and unable to do marathons or 5K's because they make you finish in a certain time frame and that's too fast for me. How do you manage to convince the organizers to allow you to run a marathon/5K (or other distance) in a slower time?
    Thanks in Advance -Margaret Koppes - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    1. Margaret - there are races with longer time limits. Keep looking. Also, as you run more, your pace will probably pick up. You need to build your endurance, so that you can cover the distance at a fast walk pace (i.e. 15-16 minute miles). In some you may be able to finish after the cut-off, but you'll run on sidewalks, not the streets and there may not be anything at the end in terms of medals, food or drink.

  67. I think your awesome. What an inspiration you are. Love love your work. Go you good thing.xxxxxxxx

  68. Saw the great piece on NBC news. That brought me to your blog. Beautiful post.

  69. #blackwomenlead you go girl!

  70. They aired it on my local news (NBCWashington4) at 6:55 this morning!!! I had already seen and shared it yesterday, but I was jumping up and down showing my husband!!! I started running in December (December 8, 2014) and I am running my first "long" race tomorrow. The Navy 5 Miler. Long for me, right now. However, like you are looking for what can I do next, I amnow looking at half marathons. My body is wonderful and does everything I ask of it to the best of her ability!!!

  71. i saw you on TV last night. you are an inspiration! congratulations on all of your well-deserved attention.

  72. You are beautiful and make me excited about moving. I love that you said "do you" because I hate to run but love other things.

  73. “the free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it - basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them.” -Charles Bukowski


  74. Hey young lady! Outstanding, an inspiration to countless folks, and making the Ultra community stoked to have such crazy good energy on the trails. I'm happy they were able to capture you on the trails with those visits and you in your groove of trail bliss. If you're ever in Washington or I'm in your area lets go for a run, yes! May we all Continue to break the stereotypes regardless of what it takes, attitude and flinging mud on the trails is a huge piece. Cheers, kai

  75. You are my new hero/heroine! A former long-distance runner, I too was at the back of the pack, but continued. Fast forward and my old body is starting to give me problems and I have been feeling like "what it the use?" Thank you, thank you for the inspiration. You Go Girl!

  76. Thank you for making running accessible to all of us who do not have the stereotypical "runner's shape" body. You are doing a great service to society, and I take personal inspiration from your story!

  77. I saw you on my local news and felt I had found a sister. Once discovered, running is something that calls you your entire life, no matter your state of health, ability or age. It is a gift. Dorell Sayre, Washington state.

  78. Congratulations! I love the exposure you're giving to running!

  79. Hi there I saw your interview on TV yesterday and was so inspired. I had planned to start walking and running but now I am so motivated by you. I am going shopping so that can get started. Love your enthusiasm.

  80. Saw the piece on your running and was taken by your attitude toward the word "fat." In fact it led me to quote you to my students. Words only have the power we are willing to give them, but it is a long struggle to change valences in the internet age. Thanks for an inspirational piece on running, teaching, and coaching.

  81. Yes you were...and I can't tell you what an inspiration you are for me. You are an amazing and beautiful woman Mirna! Thank you so much for sharing your story. ~ Jennifer

  82. WOW!!! I saw this on NBC Nightly News the other night and had to rewind and watch again. As I am coming to a realization that I have an inner fit beast wanting to bust free, your story and your words help support what my heart has been trying to tell me for some time. I have completed 3 Spartan Races (2 in 2015) and hoping to complete my 3rd two weeks before my 40th bday and 1 year after back surgery. THANK YOU so much for sharing and I can't wait to see more of your journey as I am working on mine!!

  83. I loved it ... Thank u so much for the inspiration ... #fiercewomen #wegotthis

  84. Loved the piece on your story, and I am enjoying your blog. Very inspirational. Thanks so much!!

  85. This was a great segment, and I love seeing how many people you have inspired and motivated!!

  86. I can't wait til you post the link to the broadcast. You are such an inspiration. I'm 52 and started running about 4 years ago. I have a love/hate relationship with running. I have a hard time getting out there and running constantly, but feel great when I

  87. You are an AMAZING inspiration to so many women, me included!! Thank you for sharing your story! You have such a healthy approach to your fitness and your running. . .and you are setting such a great example for your son and your students and everyone who comes into contact with you!


  88. I just found your blog because you were on TV.

    I finished 29 marathons, a few of them were ultras. I used to run a lot. I used to have a job where I organized running races. I would be the lead bike out ahead of the speedy runners. That was fun but my favorite part of the job was repeating the course and catching up to the runners in the back. They inspired me so much more they were working harder and at the same time having more fun.

    I say used to because about a year and a half ago when I was tapering for another marathon I suddenly found I could walk it all and wound up hospitalized with a variant of a rare disease called chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. I spent less summer mostly paralyzed.

    If you ever New York I love to go for a run with you. I hope I can keep up

  89. Hi Mirna,

    My partner just shared your TV gig with me via Facebook. I watched and have yet to stop crying. I'm so glad you exist and I'm so glad to see you..hear you running. I'm so emotional right now because I felt so alone. I love running, I'm also 277lbs down from 310lbs. I've done two sprint triathlons and recently have stalled. But you, you beautiful aspirational and inspiration human have lit a spark in me that I desperately needed and am super grateful for. I'm an actor and teaching artist. I'll be performing my one woman show in a couple months and it's a big challenge and I need to be at the top of my game. You are helping me get there. I love the freedom of running. Like you I do better the longer I run. The first mile or two is my worst. After the pain comes the glory, the endorphins and I'm flying. Though I'm not fast. I have no idea if my form is right or not... I just love it. I love that I get to connect with spirit and my father, may he rest in peace. He always told me no matter how big just keep running. So I keep running. Anyway, if you are ever in Jersey you have a buddy that would love to run with you, though I don't know if I can keep up but I will certainly try, train and get better. Much Love, Peace and Blessing to you and your family. E~

  90. I saw you online in a clip from your television debut, and I am sooo inspired! I am going to be a follower from now on! Congratulations on your success, and I hope to hear a lot more about your adventures!

  91. Yes you were on TV! I caught a glimpse of the story on NBC Nightly News but didn’t get to sit and watch it. I rushed and wrote down the blog info (never done this before). Sunday morning, with all the have to do’s of the weekend out of the way; I got my laptop and Googled the site. I can’t explain the excitement I feel as I read though as many blogs as I can, wondering how is it I never heard about it before and I don’t want to ever miss any more. I relate to you and your point of view on so many levels it is unbelievable. So glad I found this site. I’m 54 years old, lost 70 pounds two years ago but still considered fat. I have always wanted to run. I did a half marathon at 250 pounds, eight years ago and want to do a full marathon. I was on my way to preparing for that when I had surgery on two toes. I started training again; doing too much too soon and developed Achilles tendonitis so now I haven’t run in nearly a year. I have been feeling pretty down and wondering if I will ever be able to run again because it is taking soooo long to heal. I am ready to get back to it. I wish I had taken a stand to do me years ago instead of feeling like I was too big or too old to accomplish my dream to run. Now I feel like I have to play catch up and make up for lost time. I am ready to do me! Hearing about you and your running has rekindled hope in me to do what I love in fitness and in life.

  92. Just found you. Saw your vids, etc. Cool! Hey kindred spirit, I'm 249, I run (hike, etc.), and I'm 56. Find me on Twitter as SeaHikerChick.

  93. Just now found you. Cool! Hey, kindred spirit, I'm 247, I run (and hike, etc.) and I'm 56. Find me on Twitter as SeaHikerChick.

  94. Thank you, you made me examine my prejudices against fat people, and led me to think that we all have our personal inertias due to body image, and you have shown me that one can overcome that. Thank you.

  95. They replayed the NBC segment on the local affiliate on Saturday morning here in Seattle. You looked great, beautiful and strong. And, WOW! What a voice! You are such an inspiration.

  96. Saw you on the news, You are an inspiration! Thank you for setting the bar high! :-)

  97. Have watched the link you sent a number of times and am truly beaming with the thought of your message being out there for so manyothers - for so many of us - to see, to read, to be inspired. I am glad to know you Mirna Valerio! You Do ROCK! and not just inspiring to be healthy and self-accepting, but to speak your truth ..... for yourself and for others! Thank you!

  98. I watched the segment this past weekend as well as read your story in Runner's World. You are a true inspiration! Thank you so much for your strength and encouragement which allows me to remember it's not about anyone else but me and my journey!

  99. This news segment inspired a friend of mine who inspired me constantly and you both have changed the way I look at my fitness goals. I was going to blow off the gym tonight (again) but I went and did my longest workout yet! I have some health issues that prevent me from running but you make me want to get out and do what I'm capable of doing and not worry about anything other than doing a little more and a little better than I did yesterday. Thank you!

  100. Just saw your story and video Mirna. Thank you so much for your inspiration to us all. Absolutely beautiful and heartwarming!

  101. Dear Mirna,
    Anne told me of a story about you on a Belgian website, and now I've visited your blog, that's amazing! Congratulations on all the things you achieve.
    I hope so much to see you again, maybe in 2017.
    Fabienne, from Laon, France

    1. Merci Fabienne! So nice to hear from you! Hopefully we'll get to see each other before then! Merci pout ton message!

  102. Mirna:
    Thank you.
    For your voice.. Not your singing voice... For speaking, standing, showing who you are to the world and proving people can accomplish health goals no matter what your size.

    As I watched the segment on NBC Nightly News, I was so moved by how you poised, focused, funny, and just how beautiful you are. Your husband is one lucky man and I'm sure your son is proud of you too. The segment also brought back memories of one of my best friends, a woman of 48 who died because she was morbidly obese. I'll call her Sandy. Sandy and I could talk about ANY subject, except her weight. And it eventually killed her, way to early. I have never known profound grief until the day I learned she passed, leaving a teenage daughter in high school and a son just out of high school. Thank you for putting yourself out there, showing that everyone can be fit and setting an example. If just one person follows your lead, you've saved a life.

    You are amazing, an inspiration. Oh, yeah, and your singing voice just blew me away too....

    Joe in AZ

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